Tuesday 24 February 2009

the T mobile advert

I chose the T mobile advert because the advert is energetic and when you are watching it i feel that it really brightins up your day. It is also really cool because they got so many people to participate in the ad and it is really interesting to watch. this advert is also uniqe because it is the only type filmed in liverpool street station. Also because it's advertising their sim cards and it shows people alling each other to tell them about the dancing in liverpooll street station their quote is "life is for sharing".the Cadbury advert is good because they have a realistic gorilla playing the drums and it actually looks like the gorilla is getting into it like a human being . its just the fact that the gorilla looks so realistic and it is interesting to watch because its a gorilla playing the drums so it attracts people to watch it.The grand theft coke advert is very cleverly made because they used the grand theft auto theme to make it look like a game and then after all the reckless driving he starts helping people and making everybody happy. Its also a good advert because it doesn’t only attract younger people it varies Between 18 and most probably 40. This advert is good the way they used the cartoons to play a part in the ad was don well. It also attracts all different types of people and its enjoyable to watch with family or friends. And you may not think it but it does inspire you to buy the drink because of the advert. 

i think that our adverts came out quit well and because we used lots of different types of camera angels it made it more interesting. There are some bad bits but nothing we couldn't work with there are some really funny pats that makes the adverts better and more entertaining to watch.  

Monday 23 February 2009


Advert analysis

Talk to Frank – anti-cocaine advert

The advert is quite shocking and portrays the effects cocaine can have on you and the people around you. This ad also has a famous comedian doing the voiceover to make people relate more to it. They target their audience of drug users by shocking them and making see what they are doing to themselves and others. It is quite a startling advert and really makes you think about the consequences of your actions. It uses quite a lot of low angle shots and all the scenes are quite dark. This gives off the effect of it being quite grim. It is well constructed with quite fast passed shot changes. I like the advert because it is informative and entertaining at the same time.

World of warcraft – Ozzy Osbourne

This adverts main technique used is that it has a famous person in it. It uses Ozzy Osbourn as its main way of pulling people in. It also uses comedy in the argument between Ozzy and the other player. They also use references to his songs and his presonality. They also combine this with shots of the gameplay from world of warcraft. It is an affective advert because it just gets to the point and has a famous person in it.

Budweiser – Oooh baby baby advert

I think this advert is a good advert because it is catchy and easy to remember. It also shows people having fun whilst drinking Budwiser. It gives a positive depiction of drinking. It also is quite funny seeing these men singing and playing homemade instruments. It is an effective advert.

Snickers – Mr. T advert

This advert is good because it also has a famous person in it to attract peoples attention. It is a funny advert and uses mr t and the language to big up snickers and make it seem like a snack for men. It uses this as its usp and makes us think that eating snickers makes us tough.

Try life in another language – rapping ad

I really like this advert because it combines animation and real life together as one. It is very interesting to watch and really sticks in your mind. The cartoon bits look like they are supposed to be there and flow with the people. I think that the way it captures its audience is because it is in another language people want to know more so visit the website.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Shon's Advert Analysis


Advert 1:

1) They use animation along with music to create a unique impression on the audience. The humorous dancing and funny movements creates an unforgettable image in our minds. The close up of camera shot on the animated character drinking water slows down the pace of the advert to focus on the product shown. The animated character becomes extremely active after drinking water; this creates an exaggerated image in our minds that water makes you energetic. The advert finishes of with a slogan saying “Brains perform best when they’re hydrated.” to tell us that we should be drinking water.

2) They target their audience by using an animated puppet character which immediately tells us that it’s aimed at teenagers and children. The teenage entertaining song along with the dance movement once again tells us that this advert is aimed at a younger audience.

Advert 2:

1) The advert starts off with two siblings getting their photos taken but as soon as the photographer leaves the scene the music starts to play, the eyebrows start moving simultaneously according to the music. This completely changes the mood of the situation into a humorous and entertaining moment. This reveals the unique selling point of the advert (the eyebrows moving), the uniqueness of this advert stays as an unforgettable image in the audiences mind. They have also raised humor along with the catchy music; all of this persuades the audience to buy the product which is shown in the end. The purple colour dress the girl wears supports the colour of the product along with the slogan which appears at the beginning as well as in the end “a glass and a half full of joy” influences the audience of dairy milk provides joy.

2) They target their audience by using humor, uniqueness and children to star in their advert to show that they are aiming at the younger audience. They use a catchy, exciting tune as well as smart photo shoot clothing which are specifically aimed at children.

Advert 3:

1) This advert has a high use of animation which transforms and ordinary car into a robot which is also this adverts’ USP. The dance movements really catch the audience’s attention and bring out the uniqueness of this advert. They try to influence the audience that the car is not the ordinary type of car. The movements and animation also support the slogan “alive with technology”. The catchy tune playing in the background along with the dance movements paste an image in the viewers’ minds.

2) They target their audience by using humor, animation as well the unusualness of this advert which catches the audience’s attention.

Advert 4

1) This is a long 2 minute Nike advert which shows a footballers point of view of his life. This advert features a couple of the best football players, teams and managers which automatically attracts a huge audience. The USP of this advert would be the fact that it shows the audience what a successful footballer sees in his everyday life. The camera shot is always a point of view and handheld. The fast paced background music supports the fast paced advert. The advert gives off the feel of being in a footballer’s life which leaves an unforgettable memory in the viewers mind.

2) This advert uses famous people to attract a wider audience. They undoubtedly attract all football fans. They also show their logo on jerseys as well as the footballs during the advert to draw the audience into buying Nike products.

Advert 5

The advert begins with a normal car but it transforms into a robot which skates on ice. This advert looks simple but has a high usage of animation. Like its previous advert shown above its USP is the uniqueness of the car turning into a robot. Once again they produce an advert with stays on the viewers mind.

It targets its audience similar to its previous advert and they use a similar concept by using animation. The music along with the slogan in the end supports the advert throughout.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

The Classic Test

Jude:The Test Dummy
Jordan:Arm Wrestler
Shon:The Scientist
Grace:Test Girl


Table, Clipboard, Lab coat, Goggles

Story line:
In a lab, Jude is sitting at a table. Shon puts a bottle of another drink
on the table and Jude drinks. Cut to another scene. Jude is straining
in and arm wrestle Jordan just looks board then he wins. Zoom in on
Shon who shakes his head. Next test Jude try to hit on Grace. Grace
just looks board and slaps Jude. Back to first scene Shon puts down
a classic, Jude drinks. Beats Jordan in arm wrestle. Shon nods. Grace
gets attracted to Jude, Shon nods again. Shon holds up the classic
zooms in on it and the slogan comes up "The Best of the Best."
Fade to black.END.
Copywrite Shon, Jude and Jordan LTD

This inspired us because of its style.

Gunfight at the Classic Coral

Jude=Classic cowboy
Shon=Other cowboy
Jordan=Camera man


Cowboy hats, Waistcoats, Fake cactus.

Story line:
Jude and Shon facing back to back. Jude drinks classic and shon drinks other drink.
both walk ten paces. jude turns first shon surrenders. zoom in on classic slogan
appears "the best of the best." Fade to black.END.
Copywrite Shon, Jude and Jordan LTD

This inspired us because of the theme and the style.

Mission Classic

Jude= Spy
Shon=Camera man


Toy gun, Suit, Laser Pen, Alarm, Gas Mask

Story line:
Jude is sneaking around with spy music in the background. He sees classic on a
pedestal. Zoom in on the classic. Jude runs towards it and a laser hits him and
alarm goes off. Jordan runs in and arrests Jude. Slogan appears while zooming
into classic "what would you do to get it?" fade to black.END.
Copywrite to Shon, Jude and Jordan LTD.

This inspired us because of its style and theme

The Classic Deal

Jude=the guy.
Jordan=the Classic dealer
Shon=Camera man


Briefcase, Handcuffs, Sunglasses, Hat, Hair tie

Story line:
Jude is waiting for Jordan by the building site. Scenes keep cutting between shots of Jude
waiting + Jordan walking. Jordan arrives and Jude and him do a suspicious deal. Jordan
leaves shadily and Jude sits and opens the box it zooms in on a bottle of classic. the
slogan then appears on he screen " The Classic Deal." Fade to black. END.
Copywrite to Shon, Jude and Jordan LTD.

This inspired us because of its tone and techniques used.

Monday 16 February 2009

Hello everyone!

Hi, hello, how are you this is Jude, Jordan and Shon saying a big hello to everyone on the course.